Thursday, January 14, 2010

Introduction to Yours Truly

I am known by many as Marc Gianatiempo, mainly because that's my name (funny how that works out, eh?). I am currently attending John Tyler Community College, majoring in the general studies degree so I can eventually transfer to VCU after I obtain my associate's. As of now I have a semester course load of 12 credits. My goal after enrolling into VCU is to major in their criminal justice program with a focus on forensic crime scene investigation. To help aid in my career endeavor, I am set to train in the Chesterfield Police Academy this December. As of right now I am unemployed mainly because I took off time to recover from spinal surgery that I had back in September of last year and to focus on school full-time. I have been somewhat of a "computer nerd" for almost as long as I can recall. Ever since the days of the Macintosh computer I have been toying and fiddling with programs, building and taking computers apart, learning each new OS that has come out over the years and trying to stay updated with the latest technology. Nowadays you will see me downloading music and movies, chatting with friends, browsing Facebook and numerous other activities. In my free time I play guitar and write and record my own music. I have been playing guitar for around 6 years now and have not strayed away from it since. There is rarely a time where my guitar is not surgically attached to my hip, unless of course I'm at school or work. Even then I might make an exception! That's just a little bit about me and if you ever want to know more, all you have to do is ask!

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