Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Competition in Current Technology on the Rise!

Ever since Apple started shipping iPhones and the iPod Touch, consumers have been eating them faster than they can be put on the shelves. Throughout time there has always been one company after another trying to match or best the current technology out there. Case in point; Google's new phone, the Nexus One. Though numerous other companies have already tried to get the one-up on Apple, Google is going so far as to calling their new phone a "superphone," the first of it's kind. While it's no surprise that these large-scale companies are in it for the money, they also seem to enjoy the one upsmanship involved with capitalizing over the competition's success. It will be interesting to see in 20, 40, even 100 years from now what sort of inventions we will be toying around with and what companies are still around to keep the constant flow of competition alive.

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