Thursday, February 11, 2010

With the Fall of One, Comes the Rise of Another

The evolution of expressing one's feelings over the internet is on a constant evolutionary plateau. Blogging, for some, was the first step in social networking. It allowed people to share their thoughts and feelings via online 'journal/diary' entries, viewable by the public or the publisher's friends and family. Livejournal was a popular blogging website when I was in high school, and almost every student you talked to had one or at least knew of it's existence. Of course, these blogging sites were soon one-upped by social networking behemoths, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and among others. These sites offered much more than the previous counterparts. With the arrival of these powerhouses, blogging has become less and less of an interest for teens. Will blogging websites continue to get action or will the new age of social networking completely take over? Only time will tell.